Glutton at a smorgasbord

I was trying to sum up to someone I had only just met what my life is like. How I am so busy, I feel like I’m running from the moment I get up to the second my head hits the pillow.

“I’m like a… like a… glutton at a smorgasbord!” I exclaimed.

In any given week, this is the sort of spread that greets this homeschooling family:

  • A homeschooling group we sometimes take part in is going to Lawrence Livermore Labs for a workshop designed just for their kids.
  • A mom we know offers to teach a group how to make soap from goat’s milk on her beautiful farm.
  • Santa Cruz Chamber Players offers a free noon concert at the library featuring the kids’ piano teacher playing music I’d love them to hear and get to know.
  • A group of homeschooling kids are putting on a performance of a play we want to see.
  • My son has a free class given by the CEO of a company that makes really expensive, amazing 3D modeling software, which he has given the kids at a deep discount.
  • Another homeschooling friend is hosting a math circle at her home with a mathematician who excels at getting kids fascinated with math concepts.
  • We’re preparing the kids’ films for our homeschool program’s film festival.
  • On any given day of the year, we can walk into a redwood forest and learn just by observing.
  • Like any family, we have access to “afterschool” lessons in pretty much everything: art, music, sports, theater…

And that’s on top of the things we are supposed to be doing, like starting algebra.

Then there are all of the things that I want to do without my kids: I sing in a chorus, attend workshops in skills I’d like to attain, meet up with other homeschooling parents to trade ideas, and sometimes I even stay home and attack the apparently infinite list of books I’d like to read, and less often, the movies I’d like to see.

I have a friend who started up an adult study group on teaching through multi-media. She asked if I wanted to join. This was my inner dialogue:

Yes! Yes, I want to join!

Hold up, now… Do you have time for this?

Yes — one thing I’ve learned as a parent is that time is infinitely expandable, much like a toddler-size disposable diaper. And this would be fun!

No, you have to be serious about this. You really don’t have enough time for this. You have other things you don’t do because you don’t have time.

Oh, I guess that’s right…

No, I told her. I just can’t. Although it would be fascinating, it’s just not my “thing.”

It’s so easy in this world to get taken in by all of the possibilities that tempt us. Just this morning, I wasted two minutes watching a video of an autistic homeschooled boy dancing on Youtube. My son walked in around the middle of it and looked at me quizzically. “Uh, you’re watching Britain’s Got Talent?”

“Well,” I whined, “He is homeschooled, and, uh, well, he is a good dancer…”

OK, so I was busted. A person as busy as I am has no business watching something she fundamentally doesn’t care about. Think about it: I could have wasted my time watching The Daily Show instead. I could have expanded my horizons!

Well, at least I could have put the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher.

It’s hard not to be a glutton in this world of endless opportunity, but we’re being more successful on that this summer. I spent the morning working on my presentations for the Homeschool Assn. of California conference, and working a bit on a picture book story I came up with. I resisted reading various e-mail lists that I follow, and did a little singing. Altogether a pretty successful day of not feasting on the smorgasbord.

But catch me tomorrow to find out if I’m still so smug when they bring out the chocolate crème brulée!

Sugar fixation

We were standing in line on the Staten Island Ferry, New York City, land of great street food, and all my daughter wanted was a soda.

How did this happen?

My kids know the lecture: There are three reasons the American population has gotten so fat. One is screentime, which leads to lack of exercise. We took care of that one very early by cutting out all TV watching in our house. These days, we’re so used to it, we forget to watch TV! Reason two is packaged food full of processed ingredients. In this case, we all love to cook and eat really great, healthy food, so the only problem we have to watch is my daughter’s love of crackers. The third reason is soda.

So there we were, standing in line behind a young man well on his way down the road to obesity, and she’s asking for a soda. I can’t remember the day it started, but it probably went something like this. She asked for a Snapple. I really wanted a Snapple. Darn it, occasionally a woman deserves a big hit of sugar and caffeine in the middle of a hectic day. So I said, OK.

She’s the sort of kid who watches for weakness in any structure, then pounces. She found a crack, and she dug a finger in.

Next we go visiting the relatives in New Jersey. At every stop: soda, juice. We allow her a cup of seltzer. Finally, friends in the old neighborhood offer ginger ale. The puppy eyes come out. “I’ve always wanted to taste ginger ale…. Pleeeeeease???”

Once the crack is opened, the flood of requests pour in, and I have to start up the propaganda machine again.

“Let’s start at the beginning. Do you remember why so many people in this country are fat, obese, and suffering from completely preventable diseases like Type II diabetes?”

She plays dumb, my kid who is so obsessed with the human body that she has a whole bookshelf of knowledge on why the body starts to need insulin injections to survive.

“It’s because of soda. Remember what happens when you put too much sugar in? Sugar gives us energy, but most Americans don’t use the energy they put into their bodies. So it gets stored as fat. They get fat and unhealthy. Then the functions in their bodies break down. Their bodies can’t process sugar correctly anymore. They have to inject drugs for the rest of their lives. They are the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will be lower than their parents’.”

The size, sweetness, and saltiness of sodas keeps rising along with Americans' waistlines and diabetes-related deaths.
The size, sweetness, and saltiness of sodas keeps rising along with Americans' waistlines and diabetes-related deaths.

She actually got the short version of the lecture. I could have opened up Youtube on my phone and searched for Dr. Robert Lustig’s video on fructose that went viral last year. That’s fructose as in “high fructose corn syrup,” the major ingredient in American sodas. Fructose, which he calls “poison.” I could have reminded her about how we learned why sodas are so high in salt: they add all the salt to mask how sickly sweet the sodas are (all that cheap HFCS), and also to make us more thirsty. They don’t want us to drink just one soda, you know. That wouldn’t be good for business.

But I didn’t have time to go on. “We’re next!” my daughter announced bouncily, as the soon-to-be-obese young man stepped up to the counter.

“What’s your largest size of soda?” he asked.

“Twenty ounces,” the clerk said.

“Gimme one of those,” he said.

Apparently my lecture didn’t spoil his fun. My daughter, however, ended up sulking her way through a box of milk. She should be happy, though. All that healthy food gives her the brain development and energy to plot new ways to exploit the cracks in my health-conscious veneer.

Learning to play nice isn’t always easy!

A mom asked me this question:

“What do I do when my passive preschooler’s aggressive friend hurts her? We love the friend, but I just don’t know what to do in this situation. I don’t want to discipline her, but I don’t want to make what she did seem right.”

I am unusually well-situated to answer this question. My first child was the disciplinarian’s dream. As a preschooler, he was never the aggressor, and I was very tempted to think that the parents of the aggressors were doing something wrong.*

*I will add, in the spirit of full disclosure, one exception: On the first day of preschool, our 18-month-old son bit another child hard enough to break the skin. His teacher was a veteran, and she was not at all concerned. “This is a new experience for him. Let’s wait and see.” It never happened again.

Our daughter, on the other hand, is regularly involved in situations where she has clearly done wrong. This was true from her earliest interactions with other kids. When she was a baby, she inadvertently pulled her brother’s hair one time. When he cried, I imagine that I saw look of amazement on her face. “Wow, that happened when I pulled his hair once. I wonder what will happen the next time?”

And the next. And the next.

Many parents, whether privately or to my face, have believed that her behavior was a product of our parenting.

Obviously, we can’t have it both ways. My husband and I have refined our parenting for our two very different children, but we are the same family, the same two parents, the same house, the same food, water and air. The fact is, kids are different. They start out different, they react differently to their environments, and they end up different people from how they start. Nature vs. nurture is bogus: it’s all a big jumble that we only have a small amount of control over.

So returning to the question at hand: What do you do?

First of all, you can’t parent another child anymore than you’d want anyone else to parent your child. On the other hand, one of the best pieces of advice I’ve gotten about being with other people’s kids is, “Be yourself.” You can’t pretend to be a parent who accepts the behavior, either. So you have to look at it another way.

You have a child who is being mistreated, intentionally or not, by another child. Your main objective is not to change the aggressive child (you can’t), but to make the behavior stop (for the moment).

If you’re faced with a disagreeable child who is out to make your child cry, the choice is easy. End the relationship or at least constrain it.

But most kids who are more aggressive than your passive kid are worth keeping as friends. So my first response was, “Tell the child simply that hitting isn’t allowed in your house, then try to redirect the interactions of the kids so that the aggression doesn’t play out.” This would mean suggesting a game that you know is calming for them, doing something where you are physically between them, or separating them into different activities if the more aggressive child gets overstimulated.

The second piece of advice is harder: Admit that you’re not up to the challenge of taking on this child alone. When the parent of the child asks you again to take her child, make sure that you feel that you’re not being taken advantage of. Or consider that you have a baby as well as your other child, and won’t be able to give proper attention to the two of them. Or consider whether you’ve had enough sleep, whether you and your child are particularly cranky that day, and any other possible factors. Then tell the truth.

“You know, Dana, I’d love to help out, but I don’t think I’d be up to taking care of both of them today. I’m sorry.”


“The baby is taking up so much of my attention right now, I don’t feel like I can take on another child.”

Finally, remember that parents of aggressive children are not usually in the dark about their child’s behavior. Yes, there are those deluded parents, but you already decided not to deal with them, right? Instead, you’re dealing with a stressed-out mom whose third child is a dynamo she didn’t expect, or a dad who actually wanted to be a professional writer but ended up Mr. Mom because his wife makes more money, or whatever other complications your friend has in her life.

I have had parents ask me about my daughter in less than graceful ways, and then I’ve had those parents who did it right. The right way was assume that I knew what kind of kid I had, and that I had developed expertise in dealing with my child. They posed their questions something like this:

“This thing happened when your daughter was at my house. Here’s how I dealt with it. Can you offer me advice for how you would deal with it, or let me know more effective ways of helping her get along with my child?”

When you’re the parent of a difficult child, it is so heartening to have another parent assume that you are trying to do the right thing. It sets your conversation on a positive path when that parent asks for your help rather than demands your child’s compliance.

There is great value in helping your child learn to get along with a variety of people. I had to make a conscious effort to remind myself that it was good for my shy son to be with more active kids, even though he sometimes ended up crying. And every single day, my daughter gets lessons in how to modulate her reactions to stimuli so that she can get along better with other people. I’ve never regretted doing a little work to facilitate their interactions with kids who are different from them. Given how different we are from each other, it’s a good lesson for life.

Happy another-day-of-parenting day!

I was trying to schedule a visit with an old friend I haven’t seen in years. I said, how about this weekend? And she said, Well, it’s Father’s Day so I’ll be away all weekend.

Oh, yeah, Father’s Day. I’m supposed to remember that, right?

My husband and I try not to make too much of what we call “Hallmark Holidays,” but even if you decide that, you’re left with a conundrum. What if I make nothing of it and his feelings are hurt? What if I set up a big deal and all he wanted to do was to clean out the garage that day?

Couples I know who have no kids are almost all united in the importance of such romantic holidays as Valentine’s Day. Let me tell you: the first time you spend Valentine’s Day trying to spit out a baby who’d really rather stick around in that warm, free-drink environment is the last day you get really romantic about Valentine’s Day! I’m not sure who’s less romantic about Val Day: Parents with kids at home, or parents whose kids have grown and moved on. So this is what love got us?

But our payback is supposed to be these separate holidays we get, mother’s and father’s day. These are supposed to be sacred holidays for us hardworking parents. We are supposed to be awoken by bright-faced children carrying in trays so that we can eat breakfast in bed, bestowed with wonderful presents, and celebrated in story and song. The reality is somewhat different. One year, my children did decide to bring me breakfast in bed. Problem is, I get up earlier than they do, and I treasure that time to take my solitary walk. But there they were with a tray full of food, in front of faces full of good intentions.

Grudgingly, I got back into bed.

I hate eating in bed. And the granola had sat on the yogurt so long it was soggy.

Otherwise, it was perfect!

Perhaps what it comes down to is that parenting is its own reward and its own punishment. On the one hand, you are rewarded by those children who do, in fact, want to make you happy. Who do love you no matter how bad of a parent you are. (Though they tell you about every little thing you do wrong.) Who idolize you to the point that they will eventually make most of the mistakes you made in life (and then some).

On the other hand, parenting is definitely its own punishment. In what other job, do the customers served so faithfully — you give them life, for god’s sake! — care so little about your sacrifices? In what other job does success mean sending your product out in to the world never to be able to fix it again? (Though many parents try, throughout their adult children’s lives, to fix them.)

So…Happy Father’s Day. Celebrate it as you wish. We’ll probably just do a nice breakfast, mention a few times how much we appreciate him, and leave it at that. If they want to make more of it once they’re adults, that’s fine. Until then, we’ll just have to savor the bittersweet flavor of the world’s hardest job.

Enter the scowlers, start up the bad behavior

Visiting my kids’ grandma in Florida is a cultural experience. She lives in a mature adult community, as many in Florida do. The streets are orderly, and no one draws on the sidewalk. I find the range of reactions to kids here pretty interesting.

His and hers IV bags!
It's hard to see in the photo, but this is a car that passed us with two IV bags hanging in the back. That gives a new meaning to his and hers accessories!

There are the people who think that anyone younger than eighteen is
a) a baby
b) stupid
c) someone whose physical space they can intrude anytime

My kids hate these people, of course. I can see it almost immediately that they can sense the vibes. The person comes up to them and addresses them in a too-loud, babyspeak voice, and I see the kids start to shrink away. In fact, I remember this from my childhood, especially the adults (always men) who thought it was fun to tickle a girl till she cried.

Then there are the scowlers. These are the adults who came to an adult community to get away from noisy, uncontrollable, boisterous, ill-behaved humans. Unfortunately for them, kids don’t own the market in that set of behaviors, but at least there are fewer of them in an adult community.

The scowlers are sort of like those people who don’t like cats and think that if they ignore the cat, the cat will just go away. My cats, unfortunately for those people, are always fascinated by people who ignore them. As soon as there’s someone in the room pretending they aren’t there, the cat jumps on their lap.

That approach doesn’t work with kids, either. So the scowlers usually just glower at the kids. Occasionally, they get a bit more verbal. We’ve had people swear at our kids, lecture them, and tell them they aren’t welcome. Well, unfortunately, we’re here to visit grandma, and we aren’t going away!

Finally, there are the people who are thrilled to see youth around them. They’ve moved to an adult community for the services, the social life, and the warm pools, not to get away from the full variety of life.

It’s heartening to see these people not only enjoying watching our kids be kids, but inspiring them to be wonderfully behaved, polite kids. Because the intrusive people and the scowlers don’t get it that kids sense their attitudes just like cats do. There’s no easier way to get kids to misbehave than to expect them to misbehave.

These older adults who bring out the best in our kids remind me that kids respond so well to being addressed respectfully, getting looked in the eye, and being listened to. They show genuine interest in kids’ interests and ideas. And in return, the kids usually offer back the best of themselves.

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