
…in homeschool and school

Welcome to my goal-setting page! On this page, you will find supporting materials for my book, Homeschool with Confidence: A Goal-Setting Guide for Teens. I wrote this book originally with a focus on homeschoolers. However, I have found through hearing from readers and in my classes that the approach is helpful for any teen who wants to take ownership of their education—in homeschool or school.

Join my email list to find out about parent and teen workshops, in person and online.

On this page:

Purchase Homeschool with Confidence

Homeschool with Confidence is available from Amazon.com and Bookshop.org.

My goal-setting classes:

I teach online classes for teens and parents at Athena’s Advanced Academy.

Student downloads and links:


Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Recommended books for teens:

Parent downloads and links:

Downloads and video:

On my blog:

Recommended books:
