Why is ‘stay positive’ good advice?

KidsLearn with Prof. Suki
KidsLearn with Prof. Suki
Why is 'stay positive' good advice?

Maybe your parent or a teacher has said this to you: “You need to have a … Read the rest!

Process, not product

KidsLearn with Prof. Suki
KidsLearn with Prof. Suki
Process, not product

In our world, there’s a lot of emphasis on the end goal:

  • We have to take tests
  • We
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“I think I can” isn’t just a kids’ story!

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Do you know the story, “The Little Engine That Could”? In the story, a little steam engine has to perform what seems like an impossible job….and through positive thinking he succeeds.

Did you know that to a certain extent, this is actually real?

OK, right off the top I’m going to admit that you can’t become a superhero just by thinking you are a superhero. You can’t walk upside-down on the ceiling just … Read the rest!