Maybe your parent or a teacher has said this to you: “You need to have a … Read the rest!
Maybe your parent or a teacher has said this to you: “You need to have a … Read the rest!
I bet you think you know what success is. We all do, right? It’s not like every little kid … Read the rest!
One of the things that my book club students often notice in children’s books … Read the rest!
Do you know the story, “The Little Engine That Could”? In the story, a little steam engine has to perform what seems like an impossible job….and through positive thinking he succeeds.
Did you know that to a certain extent, this is actually real?
OK, right off the top I’m going to admit that you can’t become a superhero just by thinking you are a superhero. You can’t walk upside-down on the ceiling just … Read the rest!
You’re studying a new topic in math that you just don’t get.
You’re fighting with your sibling about every little thing.
You did something embarrassing in front of other kids.
No matter what your specific situation is, I bet you’ve had times when you hear bad thoughts in your head. And some of those times, you probably say things aloud:
“I’m so stupid!”
“He’s an idiot!”
“I hate them!”
“It’s not fair!”
All … Read the rest!