Tag: book review
Favorite board books
We loved board books in our family. Here is a list of some of our favorites.
Book Review: Creative Home Schooling grows up
It was the weighty Bible of gifted homeschoolers. You saw it on every shelf. My copy was so coveted, one of my homeschooling friends apparently walked off with it and it hasn’t been seen on my shelves since. What was it? An extensively researched book called Creative Homeschooling by Lisa Rivero, published by Great Potential Press (who published my…
Empty Shelves for Gifted Readers
For the gifted reader, the library is shrinking. As the classics recede further into the past, and thus further from our kids’ experiences and language, very little is taking their place. The child who dashes through easy readers at the age of four can finish the whole of English language children’s literature by nine or…
A grown-up Harry Potter for me and you
Some years ago my husband was reading a book he’d bought on the basis of a good review. He was sitting in his chair chuckling, and occasionally he would say, “You have to read this!” and then “I mean it, you’ve really got to read this!” “OK, dear,” I said, and back to my own book. Then I…
The search for the girl scientist in literature
There are so few books for kids that feature girl scientists, we had to dig to find them!