Tag: gifted
Separating individuals from the crowd
There is very little understanding out in the wider community of families that those of us with kids like this just got the kids we got. It’s not our fault, nor can we take credit for it. And just as parents of developmentally disabled kids got a package that they need to accept whole and…
Forging new teacher relationships for your twice-exceptional child
Twice-exceptional children, who are both intellectually gifted and learning disabled, face a tough challenge at school. Parents can work with teachers in a variety of ways to help support their 2e students.
The way we do it
Until recently, pretty much every mention I found of homeschooling in the mainstream press looked nothing like what we do at our house. Or nothing like people I know do at their houses. And definitely not like what the homeschoolers I know do when they’re out of the house, which is in general a significant…
The Role of Parents In Identifying Gifted Children
In celebration of National Parenting Gifted Children Week, Great Potential Press is pleased to present a series of guest blog posts covering some of the biggest topics in childhood development and gifted education today. GPP author and blogger Suki Wessling takes a closer look at how parents can support their gifted children. This is Part…