Tag: homeschool
On the radio: The state of education in Santa Cruz and beyond
Interview with Dr. Faris Sabbah Dr. Sabbah, Superintendent of Schools for Santa Cruz County, talks about local challenges and the new charter school law, AB-1505. Click here to listen.
“What do you have against the public school system?”
It’s the sort of question homeschoolers report receiving in stores, at the Thanksgiving dinner table, while pumping gas… In this case, it was in the hot tub at my health club. He prefaced the question by explaining that public education “was sort of a family business,” with relatives working as teachers and administrators. When he…
Gifted Kids: The disconnect between input and output
It’s hard to educate a child who is profoundly asynchronous, as many gifted children are. While a young gifted child may have a high school level vocabulary, they may struggle to hold a pencil. And the disconnect becomes even more pronounced as the child grows and seems to become more mature. When a child can…
The way we do it
Until recently, pretty much every mention I found of homeschooling in the mainstream press looked nothing like what we do at our house. Or nothing like people I know do at their houses. And definitely not like what the homeschoolers I know do when they’re out of the house, which is in general a significant…