Tag: homeschooling
Curriculum is the vehicle; learning is the destination
New homeschoolers are often focused on trying to purchase the perfect curriculum. But it’s important to remember that the curriculum we choose is simply a different learning vehicle.
“What do you have against the public school system?”
It’s the sort of question homeschoolers report receiving in stores, at the Thanksgiving dinner table, while pumping gas… In this case, it was in the hot tub at my health club. He prefaced the question by explaining that public education “was sort of a family business,” with relatives working as teachers and administrators. When he…
Gifted Kids: The disconnect between input and output
It’s hard to educate a child who is profoundly asynchronous, as many gifted children are. While a young gifted child may have a high school level vocabulary, they may struggle to hold a pencil. And the disconnect becomes even more pronounced as the child grows and seems to become more mature. When a child can…
The value of the personal touch….online!
I may not be able to bring snacks for my students, but when it’s done right, online learning creates community just as in-person learning does.
Loving and loss
I had a dream: My family was in Paris. We were on our way to see a friend, who’d rented an apartment there on Forest Ave. (As it goes in dreams, all the street names were borrowed from Palo Alto!) My family and I were going there, but somehow we got separated and I was…