Tag: santa cruz
Home for the holidays
As family, we are not each other’s therapists, friends, or supervisors. All of the other categories of relationships amongst humans are severable. No matter whether you see your family or not, they are family. They are by definition, not by choice.
Santa Cruz Families March for Women… and all of us
Interviews by Suki Wessling Photographs by Abe Jellinek Click on photos to see them full-size. If ever all of Santa Cruz gathered for a big family photo, this would have been the day. On January 21, the day after the inauguration of a president that Santa Cruzans overwhelmingly voted against, whose platform contradicts nearly every…
RIP, Gentle Giant
A short note for a sad event: The largest old-growth redwood in Nisene Marks State Park (otherwise known as our wonderful backyard) is gone. It fell over in a recent storm. Following are some pictures. Hoping that if the old-growth redwoods behind our house meet a similar fate, they fall down the hill, not toward…