Tag: science

  • Parenting in the age of fear porn

    How we live and parent is our choice. The rational way to get through this life of too many competing voices is to make the best decision based on the information we have on hand and move on. But this is hard to do when we are facing the onslaught of fear porn.

  • On manufactured non-controversies

    The Internet is full of articles that purport to prove—scientifically!—that something in your life is dangerous and scary. The problem is, these controversies are often manufactured in order to scare people and generate clicks, and have little basis in scientific reason.

  • Hitting the sweet spot at the science fair

    It’s tempting to see two parenting extremes at the science fair: the slacker parents and the helicopter parents. But the truth is that many parents are trying to hit the sweet spot in between, supporting our children while letting them set their own goals and make their own mistakes.

  • The way we do it

    Until recently, pretty much every mention I found of homeschooling in the mainstream press looked nothing like what we do at our house. Or nothing like people I know do at their houses. And definitely not like what the homeschoolers I know do when they’re out of the house, which is in general a significant…