Tag: Teaching
Curriculum is the vehicle; learning is the destination
New homeschoolers are often focused on trying to purchase the perfect curriculum. But it’s important to remember that the curriculum we choose is simply a different learning vehicle.
The value of creative writing: a spoonful of sugar
Recently, one of my online creative writing students expressed great pleasure at the end of class for having spent an hour “not learning anything.” I let it slide, happy that he couldn’t see me at my desk, laughing at the success of my pedagogic deception. My students are learning—they just don’t know it.
The value of the personal touch….online!
I may not be able to bring snacks for my students, but when it’s done right, online learning creates community just as in-person learning does.
Parent workshop: Concentration Time!
“Hello, parents! Today we are going to start with a concept you may have forgotten from your earlier lives. It’s called concentration. Can you repeat after me? Con-cen-tra-tion. This is the action you need to perform in order to achieve focus. Focus is another thing you may have forgotten about. When you were younger, you…
Healthy writing habits for children
I have homeschooled two kids, one of them a natural writer, the other reluctant. I also teach kids writing at Athena’s Advanced Academy, and my students come in all flavors. Starting with my own kids, and now even more with my online students, I have rejected the traditional approach to teaching writing.