Another saga of Busy Mommy

So I wrote a couple of days ago, or was that yesterday, about being overly busy. When I get overly busy, two things happen: One is that I cease remembering people’s names and other proper nouns. It’s like that’s the part of my brain that gets wiped to store excess information. When I’m really busy, I see someone I know well and I say, “Hi, uh, hm, yeah…you!” The other thing that happens is that I completely lose track of time. So here I am.

I wrote a while back about how great my daughter’s soccer camp had gone when she dropped in for a couple of impromptu sessions. Longtime readers of this blog know that my daughter is homeschooled precisely because it’s extremely difficult for her to follow a program for a full day, or even a half day, without some sort of blow-up happening. So when I signed her up for soccer camp, we did the little try-out version: two two-hour sessions. It went really well, and they said we could come back again and do the same thing.

Then we got home and my daughter asked, “If I do the full camp, will I get the yellow t-shirt?”

OK, so my daughter is pretty unusual in some ways, but she is a six-year-old girl, and it’s all about the wardrobe. “Well, yes, I suppose you would,” I answered. “And would you buy me cleats and shin guards?” “Well, I suppose I’d have to.”

“I want to do A Full Week of soccer camp,” she announced. And so it was.

This is the week, and she has been doing fabulously well. So have I, and so has her brother. It’s hard for a big kid to have a little sister with special needs. She hogs much of the attention and all of the homeschooling time from Mommy. So my ten-year-old and I have been relishing our time to sit next to each other, work on our projects, and talk or not talk.

My daughter has been incredibly happy, completely plugged into soccer camp. She’s come home elated, hoarse-voiced, and full of advice on how to play soccer.

I decided to write an article about the camp on my Examiner page (which is about half the reason I’m Busy Mommy this week — I’m only supposed to post three times per week, but…). As an Examiner, I’m supposed to write in the third person, but I can still follow my passions! So there it is. Santa Cruz Soccer, two thumbs up. If your kid is difficult, if your kid is easy, or if your kid is just a kid, it’s a great place to be.

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