Tips for thinking about college

KidsLearn with Prof. Suki
KidsLearn with Prof. Suki
Tips for thinking about college

Most of my readers aren’t quite to the point … Read the rest!

Process, not product

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In our world, there’s a lot of emphasis on the end goal:

  • We have to take tests
  • We have to turn in projects and present them
  • We have to show that we’ve read a certain number of pages, written a certain number of words, or memorized a certain amount of information

All of these are examples of “products” of our learning, and they can be important.

But even more important is … Read the rest!

“I think I can” isn’t just a kids’ story!

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Do you know the story, “The Little Engine That Could”? In the story, a little steam engine has to perform what seems like an impossible job….and through positive thinking he succeeds.

Did you know that to a certain extent, this is actually real?

OK, right off the top I’m going to admit that you can’t become a superhero just by thinking you are a superhero. You can’t walk upside-down on the ceiling just … Read the rest!

How should you study?

The weird thing about learning is that we all do it, but we hardly ever talk about how we do it. And when we do, it’s usually adults talking to adults.

But since kids, teens, and young adults are the ones who are expected to learn lots of material and get graded for it, it seems to me that you all should know some of this information, too!

It turns out that there’s no mystery in the best ways to Read the rest!

Notes about Netiquette

Here is a recording of the first half of this blog post. Click on the second recording to continue listening.

I’ve searched high and low and in and out for a simple, straightforward page to share with my students. I didn’t find it, so here is my version!

Suki’s Guide to Netiquette for Kids

On this page you will find:

  • Suki’s Netiquette Short-list
  • Netiquette Explanations
  • Further Resources

Suki’s Netiquette Short-list

  1. Don’t say it online if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face
Read the rest!

Organizing your space

If you are a “messy kid,” I bet you want to turn away from this RIGHT NOW.

But if you’re my student, I may have assigned you to read it, so don’t turn away.

If your parent wants you to read it, well, make them happy. It’s short.

Why not just be messy?

You already know the answer to this question. Messy people like their mess, true. But sometimes their mess keeps them from doing what they want to do.… Read the rest!

Journalism past and present

Journalism is a fancy word for good old news. People have needed news from the beginning of time. People have spread news in order to inform other people for as far back as humans remember.

How do we get news?

In very old times, people got their news from traveling bards who went from village to village. It could take months or years for news to reach the remotest places.

Once the printing press was invented, people got their news … Read the rest!

What is meaningful reflection and why should you do it?

Note: Often I read articles written for adults and think, hey, I wish they had written this for kids! I started this blog is to present really important (and cool) information about learning to kids. If your parents are interested in reading the adult article that I based this blog entry on, you can send them this link. No need for you to read it, though, unless you want more details than I offer below.

It used to be … Read the rest!

What happens when you get stressed out?

One thing that happens a lot in education is that kids get stressed out.

Some kids get stressed by the school environment. Maybe you’re at a school that has a lot of competition and you don’t like competition.

Some kids get stressed by certain types of activities. Common activities that can be stressful are public speaking and test taking.

Some kids get stressed out by social interactions. Maybe you haven’t found any friends at your school. Maybe you’re … Read the rest!

The Joy of Blogging

I started blogging in 2009 and quickly discovered I loved it! Here are some reasons to love blogging:

Blogging is creative

There are no hard rules about blogging. You can make your blog be whatever you want it to be.

Blogging records history

When you write things down, you are more likely to remember them. And years later you can look back and see what your thoughts were in the past. That’s pretty cool.

Blogging creates community

When you start … Read the rest!