If you haven’t yet read Suki’s Guide to Netiquette, please do before you read this!

OK, so here we are on the World Wide Web…and it’s Wonderful! You can learn things here. You can make friends. You can find people who enjoy the same weird hobby that you do. You can take classes in your pajamas, riding in your motor home, or with a python around your neck.
However, the Web also presents new challenges in a kid’s life, and one of them is knowing what’s OK to post online and what’s not.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
1. Does my parent know I’m doing this?
OK, I know that you might think your parent is a stodgy old you-know-what, but your parent has a lot more experience in the world than you do. If you are doing something you know your parents wouldn’t approve of, think carefully about why….
2. Is this something I can live with forever?
And I do mean forever. Did you know that colleges are turning down students because of their online posts? Did you know that when you go looking for a job in the far, distant future, the actions you take online will probably still be there? Think carefully about possibilities….
3. Is this a safe community?
You may have found this blog through my classes at Athena’s Advanced Academy. At Athena’s, we ask our students to use their real names, and we encourage them to share openly with their classmates. However, out there on the Web you might find communities that look safe, but really aren’t. If anyone can sign up, it’s not safe. If anyone can use any name they want, it’s not safe. When you visit an online community, think carefully about what is safe to post…
4. Is this something I would say IRL?
It feels so safe and anonymous to type at a computer screen, but in reality, it’s neither safe nor anonymous. Just like in real life (IRL), your online activity comes with responsibilities. IRL, you are responsible for being respectful of others, taking care to be a good member of your community, and not stepping into a street before looking both ways. Online, you have the same responsibilities, but in a digital format. If you are typing something to another kid online, think carefully about what might happen as a result of your words…
Enjoy the Wonderful World of the Web

I am not one of those adults who will tell you that everything out there is scary. It’s not! So many things on the Web are wonderful and amazing. It has opened up the world and connected people around the globe. However, I also want my kids, my students, and you to be safe, respectful, and careful.
Enjoy it, and use it wisely!
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