Becoming a better eater

KidsLearn with Prof. Suki
KidsLearn with Prof. Suki
Becoming a better eater

So many kids have eating issues. Sometimes those issues come from being highly sensitive—maybe … Read the rest!

Are you being fooled?

Click here to listen while you read!

Have you ever heard the phrase “snake oil salesman”? Maybe not—no one has sold “snake oil” since before your grandparents’ time.

But snake oil is sold in many forms on the Internet, and it’s your job to recognize it and reject it.

What?? I hope I don’t get oil on my keyboard!

A “snake oil salesman” is someone who is selling you a fake product. These days, that product could be a thing…Read the rest!

Learning to live with your biology

“Learning to live with your biology?” you may ask. “What could that possibly mean?”

Don't be a goldfish!
Don’t be a goldfish!

Before I had kids of my own, I didn’t know much about the brain, learning, and education. But then having my kids led me down this path to learning more about those subjects, and I learned something surprising:

The way your physical body is made has a lot to do with how your brain works.

Maybe that just sounds obvious to you, … Read the rest!