Tag: politics
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
On my morning walk, it occurred to me to think about why we tell kids not to lie. I can’t imagine why this subject occurred to me! Obviously, none of us wants our kid to be a liar. Imagine: If being a liar weren’t that big a deal, we’d be a lier. But we’ve even…
When the beautiful becomes ugly
My personal belief is that we won’t take care of this problem until we agree to spend political capital on it, and unfortunately, the people in charge are in denial. They just passed a tax bill that will stifle investment in renewable energy. They have told our automakers that they should cede our leading role…
4 reasons why schools shouldn’t play “immigration police”
In using schools to get at illegal immigrants, Britain is doing the wrong thing. Our government is currently doing the right thing. Let’s keep it that way.
An Indecent Man
This blog is not about politics, but it is about parenting. And all parents know that sometimes it’s uncomfortable to do what’s right.
The way we do it
Until recently, pretty much every mention I found of homeschooling in the mainstream press looked nothing like what we do at our house. Or nothing like people I know do at their houses. And definitely not like what the homeschoolers I know do when they’re out of the house, which is in general a significant…